
wallet advertisement

Currently, there are few media outlets that can directly reach users utilizing cryptocurrency and blockchain services. The main marketing methods include viral marketing, primarily through influencer-led airdrops and referral programs.

The industry is still in its early stages, so there is a significant need to raise awareness to expand the user base. However, there are currently no media outlets that fulfill this need. Additionally, there is no media that can control cost-effectiveness.

In response, BackWallet aims to provide an ad-supported wallet while building a community of users. This community will facilitate synergy between companies and users through collaborative video advertising produced by community creators and companies, as well as the co-development of services.






Hikaru Miura LinkedIn X

He has been involved in the digital advertising business since 2000.
After working for D.A. Consortium and Overture inc., he co-founded a mobile advertising network company.After selling the company, he has been involved in the development of loyalty programs for stores and blockchain wallets.He currently serves as COO of a digital advertising agency.
He has over 20 years of experience and knowledge in the advertising industry and is interested in the fusion of creativity, technology, and community.

大手広告代理店に在籍し、2000年よりデジタル広告事業に携わる。D.A. Consortium 、 Overture inc. に勤務後、モバイル広告ネットワーク会社を共同設立。広告配信やロジックの特許立案やパブリッシャー開拓、プロダクト開発などに尽力。上場企業に会社売却後は、店舗向けロイヤルティプログラムアプリの開発やブロックチェーンサービスの開発に携わる。現在はデジタル広告代理店の COO を務め、同時にビジネス開発に従事。広告業界では 20 年以上の経験と知識があり、クリエイティブとテクノロジー、そしてコミュニティの融合に興味を持つ。


Member of the elite team “The Watchers” of the NFT Alpha community “Admit One”.
Founded by one of the world’s top Web3 innovators, gmoney, he was selected as the only Japanese member of Admit One, the world’s premier NFT alpha community where the world’s leading NFT collectors gather, because of his research skills, contribution and personality.
He has extensive knowledge and experience in Web3/NFT, and is especially well known for his ability to research NFT projects overseas.
He also serves as an advisor and proponent for major Japanese manufacturing companies and is a leader of NFT projects in Japan.
He conducts research and disseminates information on NFT projects through Twitter and talk sessions at real events, and is highly supported by many NFT users.

NFTアルファコミュニティ「アドミット・ワン」の精鋭チーム「ザ・ウォッチャーズ」のメンバー。世界トップクラスのWeb3イノベーターであるgmoneyによって設立され、その研究スキルや貢献度、人柄が評価され、世界有数のNFTコレクターが集う世界有数のNFTアルファコミュニティであるAdmit Oneの唯一の日本人メンバーに選ばれる。

@thewatchers0001 member.
Founder of “PalAcademy”

Hideki Takita / International Business Alliance LinkedIn

Worked at AT&T in communications technology licensing, and then worked on data warehouse construction as SAP’s BI business manager. As an OEM manager at Microsoft, he is responsible for promoting IOT solutions. In 2000, he provided consulting support to investees with the establishment of Sunbridge Group, and was involved in the launch of the Japanese branch of, which was one of the investees. He was involved in the launch of Overture Inc. In 2004, he started a mobile advertising distribution company, worked as a sales manager, and sold it to GMO Ad Partners in 2011. In 2013, he established H2 Holdings and engaged in management and support for venture companies in which he invested. In 2017, he expanded offshore business as CEO of an offshore business company in Vietnam and developed AI and blockchain. In this project, I am in charge of management of development resources and business development from Southeast Asia to the global market.

AT&Tで通信技術のライセンシングに従事し、その後SAPのBI事業責任者としてデータウエアハウス構築に関わる。マイクロソフトではOEMマネージャーとしてIOTソリューションの推進を担当。2000年サンブリッジグループ立上げで投資先へのコンサルティング支援を行い、投資先のひとつであったセールスフォースドッドコム日本支社の立ち上げに従事。Overture inc.立上げに関わり、2004年にはモバイル広告配信会社を起業し、営業責任者として尽力し、2011年にGMOアドパートナーズに売却。2013年にはエイチツーホールディングスを設立し、経営及び投資先ベンチャー企業への支援業務に従事。2017年にはベトナムでオフショア事業会社のCEOとしてオフショア事業を展開、AI・ブロックチェーン開発を行う。当プロジェクトでは、開発リソースのマネジメントと東南アジアからグローバルに向けての事業開発を担当。

Shin Nakazato X

At BackWallet, he is responsible for setting up Discord servers, data analysis and marketing through various tools, and onboarding users into the community. He has built, managed, and maintained over 20 Discord servers for Web3 and NFT projects and companies. He also has extensive experience as a community manager and moderator for NFT projects. Furthermore, he presented “The Utilization of Discord in NFT DAOs and the Reality of Community Consumption” at the Japan Marketing Association.


Vu Minh Hiep / Tech Lead

Started his career at a software development company in 2011. He was involved in research and development of new technologies at a bank. After that, he worked as a team leader at a major Vietnamese company. Since 2018, he has been working on various projects as a project manager at a software company. Since 2021, he has been engaged in the development of blockchain applications, the construction of NFT marketplaces, and the construction and maintenance of smart contracts. Currently managing BPM (Business Process Management) & DCM (Digital Content Management) projects. Excels in programming and has extensive experience in microservices architecture. Participated in this project as a Tech Lead.

2011年よりソフトウェア開発企業にてキャリアをスタート。銀行にて新しいテクノロジーの研究と開発に従事。その後ベトナム大手企業にて、チームリーダーとして活躍。2018年からソフトウェア企業にて、プロジェクトマネージャーとして各プロジェクトを推進。2021年より、ブロックチェーンアプリケーションの開発、NFTマーケットプレイスの構築、スマートコントラクトの構築、メンテナンスに従事。現在はBPM(ビジネスプロセス管理)& DCM(デジタルコンテンツ管理)プロジェクトをマネジメントする。プログラミングに優れ、マイクロサービス アーキテクチャに関する豊富な経験を保有する。当プロジェクトにはTech Leadとして参画。

Yosuke Aramaki / Blockchain Advisor X

Joined Gaiax as a blockchain research and development intern in March 2019. Blockchain OSS development despite having no engineering experience. From February 2020, we will support the introduction of marketing tools from ADDress, an investment company of Gaiax. Joined the Development Department as a new graduate in April 2020, and became CTO of JPYC Corporation in January 2022. He currently serves as a technical advisor at Skyland Ventures and Bunzz. In this project, I am in charge of supporting the application of blockchain technology to services.

2019年3月からブロックチェーン研究開発インターンとしてガイアックスに入社。エンジニア未経験ながらもブロックチェーンのOSS開発。2020年2月からはガイアックスの出資先であるADDressのマーケティングツール導入支援を行う。2020年4月から開発部に新卒として入社し、2022年1月よりJPYC株式会社のCTOに就任。現在はSkyland Ventures やBunzz でテクニカルアドバイザーを務める。当プロジェクトでは、ブロックチェーンテクノロジーのサービスへ適用を支援を担当。

Kenneth Lee / Advisor LinkedIn

15 Years tract record with startups across Apac and leading investment funding over 30 projects. He has been working in the web2 and web3 gaming industry for over 7 years, currently holding the position of Chief Operating Officer at Vinetree, a gaming social platform that leverages web 2.5 technology with over 3.5 million users in Korea.
His entrepreneurial spirit is further exemplified through the role as a Founder of WeAD or WeADvertise, which is indicative of deep involvement in the Web 2 and 3 space with the purpose of solving joblessness across the globe with sustainable practices. Morevover, his objective is to find solutions for the ever growing global crisis such as food shortage, climate change and the fundamental needs for human survival.
Additionally, as a Co-founder of APAC DAO, He is at the forefront of fostering decentralized autonomous organizations in the Asia-Pacific region.
Apac Dao :
800 + web3 project community with over 200 investor groups. Connecting Web 3 innovations and educating web2 through conferences events around S Asia and E Asia.

彼の起業家精神は、WeADまたはWeADvertiseの創設者としての役割を通じてさらに実証されており、持続可能な慣行で世界中の失業問題を解決することを目的として、ウェブ2および3の分野に深く関わっていることを示しています。さらに、彼の目的は、食糧不足、気候変動、人間の生存のための基本的なニーズなど、ますます拡大する世界的な危機に対する解決策を見つけることです。さらに、APAC DAOの共同創設者として、アジア太平洋地域で分散型自律組織の育成の最前線に立っています。
Apac Dao:
200を超える投資家グループを擁する800を超えるウェブ3プロジェクトコミュニティ。東南アジアと東アジアのカンファレンスイベントを通じて、Web 3 のイノベーションを結び付け、Web 2 を教育します。

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